oxDNA Analysis Tools

oxDNA Analysis Tools (oat in short) is a suite of command line Python tools and importable modules for performing structural analyses of oxDNA simulations. oxDNA Analysis Tools has been updated to use the new topology.

Command Line Interface

The scripts can be run via the command line with:

oat <script name> <script arguments>

There are bash autocompletes avilable for the script names, which can be activated by copying the file /oxDNA/analysis/oat-completion.sh to your autocompletes file (generally ~/.bash_completion) and restarting your command line session.

Documentation for individual scripts:

Scripting interface

The scripting API for oat can be imported into Python scripts as the oxDNA_analysis_tools package. For example, to use the optimized oxDNA trajectory reader you would include the following lines in your script:

from oxDNA_analysis_tools.UTILS.RyeReader import describe, get_confs

# get the top and traj names from the command line or hardcode them

top_info, traj_info = describe(top, traj)
confs = get_confs(top_info, traj_info, start_conf, n_confs)

The mean.py script located at oxDNA/analysis/src/oxDNA_analysis_tools/mean.py has been commented in detail to give a full example of how to use oxDNA_analysis_tools to write your own analyses.

Full API documentation:

Top-level API

Utility API

Forces API

Analysis notebooks

As simulations become more prevalent and analysis pipelines more complicated, it can be beneficial for researchers to define their entire simulation/analysis pipeline in Python notebooks, much as is often done in the machine learning community. The modular nature of oxpy and oxDNA_analysis_tools lends itself to composing analyses together to ask specific scientific questions.

This section represents a minimal example of how to run, analyze and visualize a simulation from within a Jupyter Notebook. For a more comprehensive example which includes live plotting of values while the simulation is running, see the OXPY_JUPYTER example in the oxDNA/examples directory.

From a directory containing an oxDNA input file, and initial configuration/topology files:

First, we will set up some functions for running simulations with oxpy Instead of modifying an existing input file, you can also simply provide the entire input file as a dict to kwargs and remove the init_from_filename call.

import oxpy
import multiprocessing

# Running oxpy multiple times from the same jupyter kernel crashes the kernel for some reason
# So we will be starting simulations from a separate thread.
def spawn(f, kwargs = {}):
    p = multiprocessing.Process(target=f, kwargs = kwargs)
    return p

# Sets up and runs the simulation
def run(**kwargs):
    with oxpy.Context():
        inp = oxpy.InputFile()

        # Modify inputfile at runtime
        # all input parameters provided to oxDNA need to be strings 
        for k,v in kwargs.items(): 
            inp[k] = v
        manager = oxpy.OxpyManager(inp)

p = None

Next, we will initiate a simulation.
For this example, we set the number of steps and print intervals to be smaller such that this simulation finishes in a reasonable amount of time.

# Kill any currently running simulations

# You can pass modifications to a default input file as dict of key : value pairs
# Both key and values must be strings
input_mods = {
    "steps" : "1e6",
    "print_conf_interval" : "1e4",
    "print_energy_every" : "1e4"

# Run a simulation and obtain a reference to the background process
p = spawn(run, input_mods)

# The input file used to run the simulation gets lost in the subprocess, 
# so make it again so we have access to it for analysis
with oxpy.Context():
    inp = oxpy.InputFile()
    for k,v in input_mods.items(): 
        inp[k] = v

You can stop a running simulation by terminating its process:

# You can stop the simulation at any time by running this cell.

Use oat to compute the mean structure and RMSF

from oxDNA_analysis_tools.mean import mean
from oxDNA_analysis_tools.deviations import deviations
from oxDNA_analysis_tools.UTILS.RyeReader import describe

# Get the trajectory and topology file names from the oxpy.InputFile object
top = inp["topology"]
traj = inp["trajectory_file"]
top_info, traj_info = describe(top, traj)

# Compute the mean structure and RMSFs
mean_conf = mean(traj_info, top_info, ncpus=4)
RMSDs, RMSFs = deviations(traj_info, top_info, mean_conf, ncpus=4)

#They come out as numpy arrays, need to be a dict with a list for visualization
RMSFs = {"RMSF": RMSFs.tolist()}

oxView iframes can be embedded in Jupyter Notebooks with oat’s oxView lib

from oxDNA_analysis_tools.UTILS.oxview import oxdna_conf

# Display python objects in an oxview iframe
oxdna_conf(top_info, mean_conf, RMSFs)

Which will produce an oxView iframe:


If you find oxDNA Analysis Tools and oxView useful, please cite our paper:

Erik Poppleton, Joakim Bohlin, Michael Matthies, Shuchi Sharma, Fei Zhang, Petr Šulc: Design, optimization and analysis of large DNA and RNA nanostructures through interactive visualization, editing and molecular simulation, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 48, Issue 12, Page e72 (2020). DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkaa417

And additionally for oxView, please also cite:

Joakim Bohlin, Michael Matthies, Jonah Procyk, Erik Poppleton, Aatmik Mallya, Hao Yan, Petr Šulc: Design and simulation of DNA, RNA and hybrid protein–nucleic acid nanostructures with oxView. Nature Protocols, (2022). DOI: 10.1038/s41596-022-00688-5