OAT command line documentation


Aligns each frame in a trajectory to the first frame

usage: oat align [-h] [-p num_cpus] [-i index_file] [-r reference_structure]
                 [-c] [-q]
                 traj outfile

Positional Arguments


The trajectory file to align


The name of the new trajectory file to write out

Named Arguments


(optional) How many cores to use


Align to only a subset of particles from a space-separated list in the provided file


Align to a provided configuration instead of the first frame.


Don’t center the output. Can avoid errors caused by small boxes.

Default: False


Don’t print ‘INFO’ messages to stderr

Default: False

ANM parameterize

compute par file for DNA-ANM model

usage: oat anm_parameterize [-h] index_file mean_file trajectory out_file

Positional Arguments


Index file describing what Bases belong to which Super particle.


Reference configuration


Trajectory to evaluate


Output par file name

Backbone flexibility

Computes the deviations in the backbone torsion angles

usage: oat backbone_flexibility [-h] [-p num_cpus] [-o output_file]
                                [-d data_file] [-q]
                                topology trajectory

Positional Arguments


The topology file associated with the trajectory file


the trajectory file you wish to analyze

Named Arguments


(optional) How many cores to use


(optional) The name of the file to write the graph to


(optional) The name of the file to write the data to


Don’t print ‘INFO’ messages to stderr

Default: False

Bond analysis

Compare the bonds found at each trajectory with the intended design

usage: oat bond_analysis [-h] [-o output_file] [-t trajectory_plot]
                         [-p num_cpus] [-q]
                         inputfile trajectory designed_pairs

Positional Arguments


The inputfile used to run the simulation


The trajecotry file to compare against the designed pairs


The file containing the desired nucleotides pairings in the format a b

Named Arguments


Name of the file to save the output oxView overlay to


Name of the file to save the trajecotry plot to


(optional) How many cores to use


Don’t print ‘INFO’ messages to stderr

Default: False


Find the configuration in a trajectory closest to a provided reference configuration

usage: oat centroid [-h] [-p num_cpus] [-o output_file] [-i index_file] [-q]
                    reference_structure trajectory

Positional Arguments


The reference structure to search against


the trajectory file you wish to analyze

Named Arguments


(optional) How many cores to use

-o, --output

The filename to save the centroid to


Alignment and RMSD based on a subset of particles given in a space-separated list in the provided file


Don’t print ‘INFO’ messages to stderr

Default: False


Calculates clusters based on provided order parameters.

usage: oat clustering [-h] [-e EPS] [-m MIN_SAMPLES] [-q] serialized_data

Positional Arguments


The json-formatted input file

Named Arguments

-e, --eps

The epsilon parameter for DBSCAN (maximum distance to be considered a ‘neighbor’)

-m, --min_samples

The min_samples parameter for DBSCAN (number of neighbors which define a point as a central point in a cluster)


Don’t print ‘INFO’ messages to stderr

Default: False


Configure oxDNA_analysis_tools

usage: oat config [-h] [-n CHUNK_SIZE] [-q]

Named Arguments

-n, --chunk_size

Number of configurations to per chunk. Persistent across analyses.


Don’t print ‘INFO’ messages to stderr

Default: False

Contact map

Calculate and display the contact map for a structure

usage: oat contact_map [-h] [-g graph] [-d data] [-p num_cpus] [-q] trajectory

Positional Arguments


The file containing the configurations of which the contact map is needed

Named Arguments


Filename for the plot


The name of the file to save the contact map as a pickle.


(optional) How many cores to use


Don’t print ‘INFO’ messages to stderr

Default: False


Creates a smaller trajectory only including start/stop/stride frames from the input.

usage: oat decimate [-h] [-p PARALLEL] [-s START] [-e STOP] [-d STRIDE] [-q]
                    traj outfile

Positional Arguments


The trajectory file to decimate


The name of the new trajectory file to write out

Named Arguments


(optional) How many cores to use

Default: 1


First conf to write to the output file.

Default: 0


Process up to this conf (exclusive). Accepts negative indexes.


Write out every this many confs (default=10)

Default: 10


Don’t print ‘INFO’ messages to stderr

Default: False


Compute the RMSD of each nucleotide from the mean structure produced by compute_mean.py

usage: oat deviations [-h] [-p num_cpus] [-o output_file] [-i index_file]
                      [-r rmsd_plot] [-d rmsd_data] [-q]
                      mean_structure trajectory

Positional Arguments


The mean structure .json file from compute_mean.py


the trajectory file you wish to analyze

Named Arguments


(optional) How many cores to use

-o, --output

The filename to save the RMSF json file to


Compute mean structure of a subset of particles from a space-separated list in the provided file


The name of the file to save the RMSD plot to.


The name of the file to save the RMSD data in json format.


Don’t print ‘INFO’ messages to stderr

Default: False


Finds the ensemble of distances between any two particles in the system

usage: oat distance [-h]
                    [-i input p1 p2 p1 p2...) [input p1 p2 (p1 p2... ...]]
                    [-o output_file] [-f <histogram/trajectory/both>]
                    [-d data_file] [-n names [names ...]] [-p num_cpus] [-c]

Named Arguments

-i, --input

A trajectory, and a list of particle pairs to compare. Can call -i multiple times to plot multiple datasets.

-o, --output

The name to save the graph file to

-f, --format

Output format for the graphs. Defaults to histogram. Options are “histogram”, “trajectory”, and “both”

-d, --data

If set, the output for the graphs will be dropped as a json to this filename for loading in oxView or your own scripts

-n, --names

Names of the data series. Will default to particle ids if not provided

-p, --parallel

(optional) How many cores to use


Run the clusterer on each configuration’s distance?

Default: False


Don’t print ‘INFO’ messages to stderr

Default: False

Dot-bracket to force

Create an external forces file enforcing the current base-pairing arrangement

usage: oat db_to_force [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-s STIFF] [-r] [-q] db_file

Positional Arguments


A text file containing dot-bracket notation of the base-pairing arrangement

Named Arguments

-o, --output

Name of the file to write the force list to

-s, --stiff

Stiffness of the mutual trap

-r, --reverse

Reverse the dot-bracket before writing forces

Default: False


Don’t print ‘INFO’ messages to stderr

Default: False

Duplex angle plotter

Finds the ensemble of angles between pairs duplexes defined by nucleotides in the duplexes.

usage: oat duplex_angle_plotter [-h] [-i angle_file [angle_file ...]]
                                [-v INVERT_MASK [INVERT_MASK ...]]
                                [-o output_file]
                                [-f <histogram/trajectory/both>]
                                [-d data_file] [-n names [names ...]] [-q]

Named Arguments

-i, --input

An angle file from duplex_angle_finder.py and a list of particle id pairs found in the duplexes you want to compare. Can call -i multiple times to plot multiple datasets together.

-v, --invert_mask

If 1 invert the i-th vector, if 0, do nothing.

-o, --output

The name to save the graph file to

-f, --format

Output format for the graphs. Defaults to histogram. Options are “histogram”, “trajectory”, and “both”

-d, --data

If set, the output for the graphs will be dropped as a json to this filename for loading in oxView or your own scripts

-n, --names

Names of the data series. Will default to particle ids if not provided


Don’t print ‘INFO’ messages to stderr

Default: False

Duplex finder

Fit vectors to every duplex in the structure

usage: oat duplex_finder [-h] [-p num_cpus] [-o output_file] [-q]
                         input trajectory

Positional Arguments


The inputfile used to run the simulation


The trajectory file from the simulation

Named Arguments


(optional) How many cores to use

-o, --output

name of the file to write the angle list to


Don’t print ‘INFO’ messages to stderr

Default: False

File info

Prints metadata about trajectories

usage: oat file_info [-h] [-l LABELS [LABELS ...]] [-q]
                     trajectories [trajectories ...]

Positional Arguments


One or more trajectories to get information on.

Named Arguments

-l, --labels

Labels for the files if not the filename


Don’t print ‘INFO’ messages to stderr

Default: False

Forces to pairs

Convert an external force file to a list of particle pairs

usage: oat forces2pairs [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-q] force_file

Positional Arguments


The force file to generate pairs from

Named Arguments

-o, --output

name of the file to write the pair list to


Don’t print ‘INFO’ messages to stderr

Default: False

Generate force

Create an external forces file enforcing the current base-pairing arrangement

usage: oat generate_force [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-f PAIRS] [-s STIFF] [-q]
                          inputfile configuration

Positional Arguments


The inputfile used to run the simulation


The configuration to generate the forces from

Named Arguments

-o, --output

Name of the file to write the forces to. Defaults to forces.txt

-f, --pairs

Name of the file to write the designed pairs list to

-s, --stiff

Stiffness of the mutual trap


Don’t print ‘INFO’ messages to stderr

Default: False


Computes the mean structure of a trajectory file

usage: oat mean [-h] [-p num_cpus] [-o output_file] [-d deviation_file]
                [-i index_file] [-a alignment_configuration] [-q]

Positional Arguments


The trajectory file you wish to analyze

Named Arguments


(optional) How many cores to use

-o, --output

The filename to save the mean structure to

-d, --deviations

Immediately run oat deviations from the output


Compute mean structure of a subset of particles from a space-separated list in the provided file

-a, --align

The id of the configuration to align to, otherwise random


Don’t print ‘INFO’ messages to stderr

Default: False


Compress given configuration.

usage: oat minify [-h] [-p num_cpus] [-a] [-d D] [-q] trajectory outfile

Positional Arguments


the trajectory file you wish to analyze


minified file

Named Arguments


(optional) How many cores to use


Discard a vectors.

Default: False


Round positions and orientations to the specified number of digits.


Don’t print ‘INFO’ messages to stderr

Default: False

Multidimensional scaling mean

Calculate molecular contacts, and assembles an average set of contacts based on MDS

usage: oat multidimensional_scaling_mean [-h] [-o output] [-d dev_file]
                                         [-p num_cpus] [-q]

Positional Arguments


the trajectory file you wish to analyze

Named Arguments

-o, --output

the name of the .dat file where the mean will be written

-d, --dev_file

the name of the .json file where the devs will be written


(optional) How many cores to use


Don’t print ‘INFO’ messages to stderr

Default: False

Output bonds

List all the interactions between nucleotides

usage: oat output_bonds [-h] [-v OUTFILE] [-p num_cpus] [-u UNITS] [-q]
                        inputfile trajectory

Positional Arguments


The inputfile used to run the simulation


the trajectory file you wish to analyze

Named Arguments


if you want instead average per-particle energy as an oxView JSON


(optional) How many cores to use

-u, --units

(optional) The units of the energy (pNnm or oxDNA)


Don’t print ‘INFO’ messages to stderr

Default: False

oxDNA -> PDB

Convert oxDNA files to PDB. This converter can handle oxDNANM protein simulation files.

usage: oat oxDNA_PDB [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-d OUTPUT_DIRECTION] [-H] [-u] [-1]
                     [-r RMSF_BFACTOR]
                     topology configuration direction [pdbfiles ...]

Positional Arguments


the oxDNA topology file for the structure


the configuration file you wish to convert


the direction of strands in the oxDNA files, either 35 or 53. Most oxDNA files are 3-5.


PDB files for the proteins present in your structure. The strands in the PDB file(s) must be in the same order as your oxDNA file. If there are multiple of the same protein, you must provide that PDB file that many times.

Named Arguments

-o, --output

The name of the output pdb file. Defaults to name of the configuration+.pdb

-d, --output_direction

Direction to save nucleic acid strands in. Should be “53” or “35”. Defaults to same as input direction.

-H, --hydrogen

if you want to include hydrogen atoms in the output PDB file

Default: True

-u, --uniform-residue-names

if you want to use uniform residue names in the output PDB file

Default: False

-1, --one_file_per_strand

if you want to have one PDB file per strand

Default: False

-r, --rmsf-file

A RMSF file from deviations. Will be used to fill the b-factors field in the output PDB (only for D(R)NA)

Principal component analysis

Calculates a principal component analysis of nucleotide deviations over a trajectory

usage: oat pca [-h] [-p num_cpus] [-c] [-n num_components] [-q]
               trajectory meanfile outfile

Positional Arguments


the trajectory file you wish to analyze


The mean structure from oat mean


the name of the oxView .json overlay file where the PCs will be written

Named Arguments


(optional) How many cores to use


Run the clusterer on each configuration’s position in PCA space?

Default: False


(optional) Print the first N components as oxView overlay files (defaults to 1)


Don’t print ‘INFO’ messages to stderr

Default: False

Persistence Length

Calculates persistence length and contour length of a paired sequence of DNA.

usage: oat persistence_length [-h] [-p num_cpus] [-d data_file] [-n PLOT_NAME]
                              traj_file input nucid_1 nucid_2

Positional Arguments


The trajectory file to analyze


The input file associated with the trajectory


Nucleotide ID to start the calculation at


Nucleotide ID to stop the calculation at

Named Arguments

-p, --parallel

(optional) How many cores to use

-d, --data

If set, the correlations will be written to a txt file in the format offset correlation

-n, --plot_name

Name to save the plot showing the fit of persistence length to correlations. Defaults to persistence_length.png


Don’t print ‘INFO’ messages to stderr

Default: False

Plot energy

Plot oxDNA energy files

usage: oat plot_energy [-h] [-o output_file] [-f <histogram/trajectory/both>]
                       energy [energy ...]

Positional Arguments


Energy files to plot

Named Arguments

-o, --output

The name to save the graph file to

-f, --format

Output format for the graphs. Defaults to histogram. Options are “histogram”, “trajectory”, and “both”


Don’t print ‘INFO’ messages to stderr

Default: False

Subset trajectory

Extracts parts of a structure into separate trajectories

usage: oat subset_trajectory [-h] [-i index outfile] [-p num_cpus] [-f] [-q]
                             trajectory topology

Positional Arguments


The trajectory file to subset


The topology file corresponding to the trajectory

Named Arguments

-i, --index

A space separated index file and the associated output file name. This can be called multiple times


(optional) How many cores to use


Use the old 3’-5’ topology format?

Default: False


Don’t print ‘INFO’ messages to stderr

Default: False


superimposes one or more structures sharing a topology to a reference structure

usage: oat superimpose [-h] [-i index_file]
                       [-o output_names [output_names ...]] [-q]
                       reference victims [victims ...]

Positional Arguments


The reference configuration to superimpose to


The configurations to superimpose on the reference

Named Arguments


Align to only a subset of particles from a space-separated list in the provided file


The names of the output files (defaults to inputname_a.dat)


Don’t print ‘INFO’ messages to stderr

Default: False