

The code requires CMake and a c++-14-compliant g++ (any version >= 4.9 should work). Compilation works with current versions (14.0) of Apple clang but this has not been thoroughly tested. The code should be also compilable with the Intel compiler (with the -DIntel=ON cmake flag, see below), although this has not been tested with newer oxDNA versions.


Compiling with CUDA support requires CMake >= 3.5 and a CUDA toolkit >= 10. If your current setup cannot meet these requirements we advise you to use older versions of oxDNA.

Python bindings

Compiling with the Python bindings (oxpy) enabled requires a working Python3 installation comprising both binaries and include files. On Debian-derived Linux distros these come with the package python3-dev. oxpy and OxDNA Analysis Tools require Python version 3.9 or newer. See below if you do not have access to Python >= 3.9 and woud like to use oxpy

Compiling oxDNA

Clone the repo or extract the oxDNA archive and then:

cd oxDNA         # enter the oxDNA folder
mkdir build      # create a new build folder. It is good practice to compile out-of-source
cd build
cmake ..         # here you can specify additional options, see next section
make -j4         # compile oxDNA. The -jX make option makes it compile the code in parallel by using X threads.

At the end of the compilation three executables (oxDNA, DNAnalysis and confGenerator) will be placed in the build/bin directory.

Compiling with Python bindings will also generate an oxpy package in the build/oxpy directory that can be imported in Python. Running make install will attempt to copy the package (as well as oxDNA_analysis_tools) to the pip’s module directory. The specific location will depend on your system’s settings. We advise you to use virtual environments (see e.g. pipenv) to avoid conflicts with other packages and/or dependency and permission issues.

Updating a local copy

If you cloned the repository to install oxDNA, your local copy can be updated with the following commands:

cd oxDNA        # enter the oxDNA folder
git pull        # use git to synchronize your repo with the online one
cd build        # enter the build folder (see above)
make -j4        # compile the updated source

If you also want to update oxpy don’t forget to run make install after the compilation.

CMake options

  • -DCUDA=ON Enables CUDA support

  • -DCUDA_COMMON_ARCH=ON Choose the target CUDA compute architecture based on the nvcc version. Set it to off to autodetect the CUDA compute arch GPU installed.

  • -DDebug=ON Compiles with debug symbols and without optimisation flags

  • -DG=ON Compiles with debug symbols + optimisation flags

  • -DINTEL=ON Uses INTEL’s compiler suite

  • -DMPI=ON Compiles oxDNA with MPI support

  • -DSIGNAL=OFF Handling system signals is not always supported. Set this flag to OFF to remove this feature

  • -DMOSIX=ON Makes oxDNA compatible with MOSIX

  • -DDOUBLE=OFF Set the numerical precision of the CPU backends to float

  • -DCUDA_DOUBLE=ON Set the numerical precision of the CUDA backends to double, which is not compatible with the mixed precision.

  • -DNATIVE_COMPILATION=ON Set to OFF to compile without the -march=native flag. This may be required when compiling binaries to be used elsewhere

  • -DJSON_ENABLED=On Set to OFF to compile without JSON support, disabling the possibility of initialising external forces and/or observables from a JSON file. Disabling JSON can sometimes help with compiling with older compilers.

The following options pertain to oxpy:

  • -DPython=ON Enables Python bindings

  • -DOxpySystemInstall=On By default oxpy is installed in the current user’s home directory. By enabling this option oxpy will be installed as a system-wide package. It may require superuser privileges (unless using Conda environments. See below.).

If you are on your own machine or you installed Python via Anaconda, the -DOxpySystemInstall=On option should be set to install oxpy and oxDNA_analysis_tools on your $PATH. If you are on a shared system (for example and HPC cluster which isn’t using Conda), perform the cmake command without this option. make install will probably (depends on pip settings) install the two libraries in $HOME/.local/bin/, which is not on the $PATH by default and you will have to add it (if you have not already for another program). In our testing, Conda-managed versions of Python correctly installed the libraries in the current environment’s site-packages folder if -DOxpySystemInstall=On was set, even on shared systems.

make targets

  • make compiles oxDNA

  • make install Copies the oxpy and oxDNA_analysis_tools packages to Python’s package folder making the two packages importable with Python.

  • make rovigatti Compiles the observables and interactions in contrib/rovigatti

  • make romano Compiles the observables and interactions in contrib/romano

CMake compiler choice

CMake searches your $PATH for compatible C and C++ compilers and uses the first ones it finds. If you want to use a different set than the default, you can override the compiler choice as follows:

cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/path/to/gcc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=path/to/g++ ..

oxpy and oxDNA Analysis Tools

  • When running make if you run into a problem at the end of compilation where it cannot find python.h, this means that you don’t have the Python developer kit installed. See this StackOverflow answer on how to install with a variety of package managers. If you do have it installed, see the next bullet point.

  • When compiling with the Python bindings enabled CMake will sometimes choose the wrong Python binary and/or include files, resulting in a failed compilation. If this happens the correct paths can be directly as follows:

cmake -DPython=ON -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/path/to/python/include/dir -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/path/to/python/binary ..

If you are using conda environments, the paths should look something like:

  • Include: $HOME/anaconda3/envs/py311/include/python3.11

  • Executable: $HOME/anaconda3/envs/py311/bin/python

This is particularly a problem if you are running in a base Conda environment on MacOS. In this case, the cmake command should look something like:

cmake -DPython=1 -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=$HOME/miniconda3/bin/python -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS=$HOME/miniconda3/include/python3.11 ..
  • If you get an error regarding the number of bytes in the numpy.array header, this happens when the version of Numpy on your system doesn’t match the version that pip downloads from PyPi when installing oxDNA_analysis_tools with its isolated environment (most commonly because you installed Numpy using Conda which tends to be a few versions behind PyPi). To fix this, either update your version of Numpy or try to install just OAT without build isolation: python -m pip install ./analysis --no-build-isolation

  • Sometimes installation will fail with TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object. This error is usually caused by older versions of either oxpy or oxDNA-analysis-tools somewhere in your $PATH. Remove them with pip uninstall oxpy and pip uninstall oxDNA-analysis-tools and try installing again.

Known issues

  • An illegal instruction is sometimes issued when the code is compiled on a CPU architecture and run on another, or when specific combinations of CPU architecture and compiler are used. Invoke CMake with -DNATIVE_COMPILATION=Off and re-compile the code to fix the issue.

  • A list of other known issues can be browsed online here.

Using oxpy with old Python versions

oxpy interfaces with oxDNA using Pybind11. In September 2023 we updated the version of pybind11 included with oxDNA from 2.2 to 2.11 due to changes to the Python C API which made older versions of Pybind11 incompatible with the current Python 3.11. This new version of pybind11 is only compatible with Python > 3.8. If, for some reason, you need to use an older version of Python 3 and cannot install a newer version in a virtual environment via, for example, Conda, this can be done by using an older version of pybind11:

  1. Get an old version of Pybind11 from the releases page of their GitHub, or use the pybind11_2.2.4.tgz file that can be found in the oxDNA/legacy/ folder.

  2. Remove oxDNA/oxpy/pybind11/ and replace it with the unzipped folder you just downloaded or copied, making sure you rename the folder to pybind11

  3. Edit oxDNA/ and oxDNA/oxpy/ to remove the install_requires = [ ... lines which also install oat (OAT requires 3.9+ due to typing and data structures so cannot be installed with older Python versions)

  4. Compile as normal (cmake -DPython=1 .. && make -j4 && make install)

Note: Tested on a MacOS system with Python 3.6 in a Conda environment


  • make test_run runs quick tests to check that oxDNA has been correctly compiled, and that the core interactions (DNA2, RNA2 and NA) compute the energy contributions in a nicked double strand correctly.

  • make test_quick runs longer tests to check that oxDNA works.

  • make test_oxpy checks that the Python bindings work.

  • make test runs all sets of tests above.

  • oat config will check all dependencies for OAT

  • In oxDNA/analysis/tests there is a shell script, which will test your OAT installation.